Cakes n Ladders updates

We try to keep things updated on our social media but we’ll be the first to admit that our actual website doesn’t get updated quite as often as it should.

To that end here are a few of the things we’ve got going on at Cakes n Ladders.

We’ve signed on with the Hapai card, there is a little bit more about that on our events so check that out if you’re interested.
Our cakes n Ladders Quiz night became a monthly event and people really seem to be enjoying it. It runs on the last Friday of every month.
We were approched by the Kayak website to be featured. Check them out here if you want to see things to do in Auckland.
We’ve started collaborating with Meepleopolis and Counterculture Cafe to run intercafe tournaments. Our most recent tournament was Carcassonne.
We’ve started using Aftergame so you can see our library right on your mobile. Of course you could always do that from our games page on our website but now you can check out events and log scores too!